c/o L. Kenepaske, Esq.
NYCF Secretary
275 Madison Ave., 2010
New York, NY 10016
212 714 0620, 714 0149 fax
SUMMER 2005 - 2006
Bronze Seminar: Introduction to the Conservation of Outdoor Bronze Sculpture
New York City (in English)
August 1-5, 2005 (Module 1); August 8-12, 2005 (Module 2)
Registration: For Module 1 (Lectures and sculpture tours)
open until July 29, 2005; For Module 2 (Applied field exercise), open until
July 1, 2005.
2006 Bronze Seminar: Introduction to the Conservation
of Outdoor Bronze Sculpture
Argentina and Peru (in Spanish)
This seminar has been an annual New York
Conservation Foundation project since 1998, after being conducted in 1994,
1995, and 1996 under other auspices. Approximately 100 conservators, conservation
scientists, conservation students, curators, foundry artisans, artists and
art handlers from across North America and around the world have participated
in the annual seminar.
The expert-led "Bronze Seminar"
introduces conservation professionals and students to basic contemporary
and historic elements of aesthetic, technical, logistical and administrative
practice for conserving outdoor bronze sculpture. We teach assessment and
documentation of structure and condition, practical maintenance, and minor
restoration. field exercises begin with walking tours to recognise outdoor
bronzes' condition and treatment, and proceed to hands-on care of outdoor
monuments. Since 1994 our instructors have helped registrants understand
bronze monuments and their care in practical terms of history, aesthetics,
art and foundry practice, metallurgical and environmental science, economics
and administration.
This seminar addresses closely related
- First, those wishing to become or supervise
caretakers for outdoor bronze sculpture need focused and specific expert
introductions to current knowledge, theory and methods, oriented to the
ethics and practices of the modern conservation profession.
- Second, participants in the care of outdoor
bronze sculpture need access to useful resources including expert mentors,
literature, technology and supply.
for more from the Bronze Seminar tour |
The bronze seminar includes five half-days
of classroom activities and fifteen half-days of field exercises, during
two, five-day weeks. The first, open enrollment week is very useful in itself,
and is a prerequisite for the second week limited to fewer registrants.
Critical for the seminar's success are our expert instructors.
The first week integrates classroom lectures
and discussions with walking field tours through urban settings rich in
outdoor bronze sculpture and ends with a survey assessment exercise. A book
of current lecture outlines and a packet of study materials is distributed
to each registrant. Some participants attend only the first week. |
The second week comprises an enjoyable and
physically active field project maintaining aesthetically and historically
interesting outdoor sculpture. Project documentation is drafted during this
limited enrollment exercise.
During the first week, we meet at the the
seminar table for power point and 35 mm slide talks, using images from the
surveys and practices of instructors and colleagues. Art history and conservation
science help place bronze monuments and their care in contexts of style,
significance, and physical environment. Using plain language and excellent
images, experienced conservators John Scott and Tom Chase describe bronze the material, historical
and contemporary foundry practices for bronze sculpture, diversity of bronze
alloys, structures and finishes, environmental factors and deterioration, commonly observed conditions, and past and current restoration and maintenance
practices. Also, seminar registrants bring and present short, informal illustrated
discussions of outdoor bronze sculpture, conditions and care. Seminar discussion
is led along a balanced path to convey the diversity of situations and conservation
approaches. There is also very focused discussion of professional and business practices, including marketing,
insurance, publicly and privately contracted projects, human resources,
sources of supply,
and relevant US and international agencies and institutions.
Click here for lecture outlines.
Seminar leaders share historical and technical
connoisseurship, and help participants to observe, recognize, evaluate the
condition, maintenance, and future conservation needs of outdoor sculptures. |
for more from the Bronze Seminar exercises
for more from the Bronze Seminar classroom activities |
to Apply
We welcome your interest in our 2005 - 2006
Summer Bronze Seminars.
For more information, please contact us at
Photos by John Scott, NYCF, Joanna Barr, Artlab Australia, or Caren Dissinger.