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NYCF Secretary 275 Madison Ave., 2010 New York, NY 10016 212 714 0620, 714 0149 fax PROJECTS Listed By YearClick for more on the Bronze Seminar 2004 BMC 2004, "Bronze Maintenance and
Conservation," Genoa, Italy NYCF President John Scott presented the Bronze Seminar as an educational program.
Conservation Science Annual at the Eastern
Analytical Symposium (4 sessions),
Somerset, NJ Contaminated Collections and Inherent Collection Hazards -- Testing for Contaminants (Chaired by Judith J. Bischoff, Ph.D., National Park Service), Contaminated Collections and Inherent Collection Hazards -- Health & Safety (Chaired by Catherine Hawks, Conservator in Private Practice), Consolidation of Natural Stone: Consolidants (Chaired by Stefan Simon, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, CA), Consolidations of Natural Stone: Evaluation (Chaired by M. Laurenzi-Tabasso, ICCROM Consultant). For detailed program, click HERE.
The Bronze Seminar, "Introduction
to Conservation of Outdoor Bronze Sculpture," New York, NY 2004 instructors were Thomas W. Chase, MA-CAS (Conservator of Art, Metallurgist, Art Historian, and President of the American Institute for Conservation); Joan Pachner, PhD (Art Historian), and John Scott, MA, MA-CAS (Conservator of Art and Architecture, Art Historian, and President of NYCF); and Hyosung Shin, MLS (Information Specialist, Art Historian). Jason Linetsky (Anderson Collection, Menlo Park, CA), Jason Church (Department of Cemeteries, Savannah, GA) and M. C. Reiley (Central Park Conservancy, New York, NY) gave participant presentations. This year's seminar also included a special video presentation, "Monumental Edinburgh" from Paul McAuley, Assistant Keeper of Conservation, City of Edinburgh Council, Scotland.
2003 Conservation Science Annual at the Eastern
Analytical Symposium (4 sessions),
Somerset, NJ
For detailed program, click HERE. EAS, a major annual five-day international professional meeting for analytical chemistry, is held in New Jersey, USA. For more information on EAS / NYCF Conservation Science Annual, please visit our EAS page. 2002 Conservation Science Annual at the Eastern
Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ Applications of Solid Phase Microextraction and GC/MS in the Conservation of Cultural Materials (chaired by Mark Ormsby, U S National Archives, and Christopher Maines, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC), Science in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Young Investigators and Science in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Diverse Methods (two sessions chaired by Janice Carlson, Winterthur Museum).
The Bronze Seminar, "Introduction
to Conservation of Outdoor Bronze Sculpture," Miami, FL Bi-lingual seminar with simultaneous translation in Spanish and English, drawn from the New York Conservation Foundations internationally known Bronze Seminar. Many North Americans and Latin Americans travelled to Miami to attend this concise introduction to the main problems and modern care of outdoor bronze sculpture and ornament. Lectures, discussions and course-booklet on outdoor bronze: the metal, manufacture and placement, the deterioration and protection, the preservation, restoration and maintenance. Lecture outlines in English or in Spanish. Writers/Lecturers: John Scott, Consultant and Conservator, Sculpture Conservator at Princeton University, and President, New York Conservation Foundation; Tom Chase, Consultant, Chase Art Services, former Head Conservator, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution Support Team: William Mourey, former Head of Conservation Unit, National Scientific Research Center (CNRS) Draguignan, France, UNESCO consultant for objects conservation, ICOM-CC Metals working group Coordinator, advisor on planning and Spanish technical usage and reader in Spanish and English during the seminar; Tara Finucane, Spanish translator and reader in Spanish and English during the seminar; Alicia Fernandez Boan, advisor and editor for Spanish technical usage and reader in Spanish and English during the seminar John Scott of NYCF developed, edited and directed this educational project. 2001 Conservation Science Annual at the Eastern
Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ Science in the Conservation of Paper Media (chaired by Dianne van der Reyden, Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education, Washington, DC; Laura Stirton Aust, Artcare, Inc. and New York Conservation Foundation), and Science in the conservation of Cultural Heritage (Chaired by John Scott, New York Conservation Foundation, and Christopher W. McGlinchey, Conservation Department, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY)
The Bronze Seminar, "Introduction to Conservation of Outdoor Bronze Sculpture," New York, NY 2001 Spanish-language development team: John Scott, Ernesto Menedez-Conde, and Marie-Louise Petitpierre, art historical topics. 2001 English-language development team: John Scott, general topics, Beate Fuecker, writer on documentation, Kentaro Kojima, consultant on moldmaking. John Scott and Beate Fuecker carried out the field exercise sponsored by Princeton University. 2000 Conservation Science Annual at the Eastern
Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ Biodeterioration of Cultural Heritage: Microbes and Macrobes (Chaired by Rakesh Kumar, of Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA. and Louis N. Sorkin, American Museum of Natural History, New York), Instrumental Analysis of Cultural Heritage (Judith Bischoff, National Park Service, Harpers Ferry Center) and Developments in Laser Cleaning of Cultural Heritage Materials (Gregory Young and Carole Dignard, Canadian Conservation Institute).
The Bronze Seminar, "Introduction
to Conservation of Outdoor Bronze Sculpture," New York, NY 2000 instructors were Andrew Butterfield, PhD (Salander - O'Reilly Galleries, NYC), Thomas Chase, MA-CAS (Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution), Joan Pachner, PhD (Storm King Art Center) and John Scott, MA, MA-CAS (N.Y. Conservation Foundation, NYC). 1999 Conservation Science Annual at the Eastern
Analytical Symposium(3 Sessions),
Somerset, NJ Outdoor Sculpture (chaired by Dr. Helena Strandberg of Sweden), Mass Spectroscopy (Dr. Beth Price of the Philadelphia Museum of Art), and Young Investigators (Dr. Chandra Reedy of the University of Delaware). For detailed program, click HERE. EAS, a major annual five-day international professional meeting for analytical chemistry, is held in New Jersey, USA. For more information on EAS / Conservation Science Annual, please visit our EAS page. The Bronze Seminar, "Introduction
to Conservation of Outdoor Bronze Sculpture," New York, NY 1999 instructors were Andrew Butterfield, PhD (Christie's, NY), Joan Pachner, PhD (Storm King Art Center), and John Scott, MA, MA-CAS of N.Y. Conservation Foundation. Field project addressed three modern bronzes at Princeton, NJ.
"Public Art 101," the Seattle
Art Commission's workshop, Seattle, WA NYCF's John Scott spoke in Seattle on "Conservation Maintenance," and co-contributed an article to the workshop's curriculum book. College Art Association conference, Los
Angeles, CA Session Title: "Minimal Intervention? Conservation and Public Art: Integrating conservation in the planning and care of public art" Session Chair: John Scott, New York Conservation Foundation Session goals: In addition to sharing among ourselves and our active colleagues, a critical goal of this event was to connect with studio art, art history, art administration, collection care and conservation students, teachers, and allied professionals attending the CAA meeting, direct their attention and activities to conservation and management of public art, and make them resources for our profession. Presentations: 1998 Conservation Science Annual at the Eastern
Analytical Symposium (4 Sessions),
Somerset, NJ Analysis for Textile History and Conservation (one chaired by Denyse Montegue of State University of New York, the other by Mary Ballard of The Smithsonian Institution); Instrumental Analysis for Art, Architecture and Archaeology (John Scott of N.Y. Conservation Foundation); Young Investigators (Shelley Sass of New York University). For detailed program, click HERE. For more information on EAS / Conservation Science Annual, please visit our EAS page. The Bronze Seminar, "Introduction
to Conservation of Outdoor Bronze Sculpture," New York, NY 1998 instructors were Andrew Butterfield, PhD (Christie's, NY), Joan Pachner, PhD (Storm King Art Center), and John Scott, MA, MA-CAS of N.Y. Conservation Center. Field projects addressed two small bronzes (1914 and 1930) at St. Mark's Church in the Bouwerie and the much larger bronze Queens Soldiers and Sailors Monument (1897). For more information on the Bronze Seminar, please visit our Summer 2004 page. American Association of Museums conference,
Los Angeles, CA Rigging 101 afternoon session in the AAM
Registrars' Committee and the AAM PACking INterest group's preconference
Art Handling workshop. At AAM-RC and AAM-PACIN request, NYCF co-sponsored
and organized presentations by NYCF's John Scott and Chicago rigger Roger
Machin. Articles by John Scott included in Preprints published by PACIN.
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